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About us

Beyond Emotion is a spin-off from the Research and Transfer Center (FTZ) Smart Systems of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, funded by the EXIST-Gründerstipendium. Emotions and their physical manifestation in facial expressions are a central element of human Communication. Based on our many years of research, we are a big step closer to the goal of enabling technical systems to interact adequately and naturally with users.

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The EmotionBike project was a research project at HAW Hamburg with the goal of developing a technical platform for provoking and recognizing emotional states in the cockpit context. From the findings of this project, as well as the knowledge gained from Arne's dissertation on existing systems for facial expression-based emotion recognition, the idea for our novel approach of Beyond Emotion AI finally emerged to overcome limitations (e.g. incorrect interpretation of the emotion) of existing solutions.

Unterstützt wurde das Gründungsvorhaben durch das EXIST-Gründerstipendium sowie PROFI Impuls der Hamburgischen Investitions- und Förderbank. Die Beyond Emotion GmbH haben wir, Arne, Hanne und Sobin im Juli 2021 gegründet. Aktuell wird die Entwicklung unserer Technologie durch InnoRampUp gefördert.
Aktuell sind wir ein Team von 15 Personen.

Founding Team

Dr. Arne Bernin

Computer Scientist | CTO

Sobin Ghose

Computer Scientist | CEO

Hanne Butting

Business Psychologist | CFO, CSO

Our Advisors

Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck

HAW Hamburg, head of FTZ Smart Systems, AI expert, head of the Machine Learning research group

LL.M. RA Jan Schnedler

Lawyer - expert on data protection and AI, author of the book "Startup-Recht”

Dr. Serge Autexier

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Bremen

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meisel

HAW Hamburg, expert for Computer Vision, Machine Learning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Kfm. Jörg Dahlkemper

HAW Hamburg, Expert for Image Processing, AI, Measurement and Sensor Technology

Dr. Florian Vogt

Innovation and Contact Point Hamburg

M. Sc. Kai Bestmann

Finance and Accounting, International Financial Accountant

M. Sc. Pychologie Mareike Daeglau

University of Oldenburg, Department of Psychology